VANISHED is a chilling tale with a shocking conclusion, about the strange disappearance of a child...

A schoolboy hurried along narrow deserted streets clutching a satchel of books under his arm. The murky winter twilight gathered stealthily around him. As he passed by the corner grocery store, he waved to the proprietor, who returned the greeting. He didn’t have far to go now; his home was just the third house down from the corner. Where, at that very moment, his mother boiled water for his tea.

But he never made it. For somewhere in that short distance of just about one hundred feet, he simply vanished and was never seen again. Fifteen years later, the case still remained unsolved. 

Under its former title Monsters in our Midst, this novel received the following reviews:

"Ms. Lewis brings to light one of the horrors that any parent prays they never experience. The unknown would be like a cancer that just eats away at your very soul. As a parent, I can only hope that there are people out there like Scott Preston, who take it upon themselves to keep a case like this alive. The real tragedy in this story is the fact that no matter how horrible the truth, it is so much better than not knowing."

Coffee Time Romance Review

"MONSTERS IN OUT MIDST by Karen Lewis will chill you to the bone. What an excellent suspense thriller to get lost in. Every person questioned in this story has a little something to hide and you never know what it’s going to be. I found myself gaping and gasping a few times, through out the story. I was so eager to read more, I was able to finish the book, in a few short hours. Karen Lewis knows how to make sneaky characters, twisting clues and a dangerous plot that will keeps you guessing, even when you think it’s over. I have to tell you, I had no idea who the bad guy was. Every time a new character was introduced I was certain they were the perpetrator, but things just kept going farther and farther into left field. The fact that I had no idea what really was happening, kept me guessing, until the very end. You know, in most of the mystery books you read, you can guess who done it? Well in MONSTERS IN OUR MIDST I guessed wrong and the ending will give you the willies. I can’t wait to get my hands on more of Ms. Lewis’s work."

Dark Angels Review

"Karen Lewis takes you back in time to solve a cold case. She has written a very interesting mystery that will leave you completely shocked at the outcome. Scott Preston is a newspaper reporter given a very difficult assignment. He has to investigate a cold case of a missing boy that happened fifteen years ago. The police couldn't solve the case, so he feels that he shouldn't be asked to look into this case. The more he investigates the more interested he gets. Things don't always add up the way they should. This book will hold your interest from page one all the way to the very last page. I would recommend this book."

Browler Books Review

"I really enjoyed Monsters in Our Midst. Karen Lewis has a fluent, easy writing style which draws the reader in. Her characters are well-drawn and believable. I was particularly taken with Scott's Aunt Violet. The plot breaks the rules of mystery writing in that it is not possible for the reader to deduce the truth from the evidence, but rules are made to be broken, and the frustrating scenario of the police groping about in the dark with nothing to go on is probably much closer to what happens in real life. You get the feeling throughout that somebody knows something and isn't telling, but you can't work out who. Is it the neighbor who was away at the time, but seems a bit shifty? Or the truck driver who taught part-time at the boy's school and may have been seen in his company on the fatal day? Or even the boy's own mother, who seems far too unemotional about the whole thing and can only deal with the situation by insisting that her son is still alive? Ms. Lewis keeps us guessing right to the end. This book is very hard to put down. I look forward very much to reading more by the same author."
Manic Readers Review 

"Great story, a real page turner! The ending totally threw me, so was not expecting that!!" 
Goodreads Review

The exciting new sequel to the blockbuster bestseller, Vanished. Dark Secret is a labyrinth of lies, deceit, infidelity and murderous intent that will not disappoint.

“This is even better than the original.” 
Reader Review

“Nail biting suspense that will keep you guessing.” 
Mystery Circle Review